Jurnal Serambi Biologi 2025-02-22T10:08:06+00:00 Rijal Satria Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: left;"><strong>e_ISSN : <a href="">2722-2829</a></strong><br><strong>Editor in Chief : Rijal Satria</strong><br><strong>Frequency : </strong>3 Bulanan (4 kali setahun)<br><strong>E-mail :</strong><br><strong>Publisher : </strong>Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Padang<br><strong>Focus &amp; Scope :</strong> Artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasi adalah artikel dalam bidang biologi (biodiversitas, biosistematika, ekologi, fisiologi, genetika dan bioteknologi, biokimia) yang meliputi semua bentuk mahluk hidup mulai dari mikroba, fungi, tumbuhan, hewan, manusia dan virus</p> Mangrove Community Structure In Teluk Buo, Bungus, Padang Regency, West Sumatera 2025-02-22T10:08:06+00:00 Annisya Fhadilah Putri Faristy Irma Lailani Eka Putri <p>Mangroves are forest vegetation that grows between the tidal lines, so mangrove forests are also called tidal forests. The existence of mangrove forests in the ecosystem is very important because it has ecological and economic potential. The location of the mangrove ecosystem in a transitional area between sea and land areas causes mangroves to frequently experience disturbance for human purposes and results in mangrove areas experiencing damage and land narrowing which has an impact on decreasing their diversity. This research aims to analyze the structure of the mangrove community in the research area. The method used in this research is the quadratic method (Quadrat Sampling Technique) by creating 6 plots facing each other. Observation of mangrove vegetation uses a plot measuring 10 x 10 meters for trees, 5 x 5 meters for saplings and 2 x 2 meters for seedlings. The results that can be concluded from this research are that the mangrove forest community in Teluk Buo consists of <em>Rizophora apiculata, Lumnitzera littorea</em>, <em>Brugeira gymnorhiza</em>, <em>Setaria palmifolia</em>, <em>Euterpe oleracea</em> mart, <em>Nypa Fruticans</em>, and <em>Bruguiera cylindrical</em>. The <em>Rhizophora apiculata</em> species dominates in the study area, characterized by the highest importance at all growth levels. INP at tree level was 166%, sapling 219% and seedling 127%. The diversity index (H') value in the study area is low (1.749) with a high level of uniformity (0.8986).</p> 2024-10-21T04:03:38+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serambi Biologi Effectiveness of Ecoenzyme Mosquito Repellent Combination of Lime Peel And Papaya Leaf Based 2025-02-22T10:06:54+00:00 Wahyuni Fitri Rijal Satria <p>Mosquitoes are vectors of various diseases in humans, namely filariasis and encephalitis by Culex mosquitoes, malaria by Anopheles mosquitoes, and dengue fever by Aedes mosquitoes. The use of chemicals in repelling and killing mosquitoes, is very harmful to the environment and also causes resistance in mosquitoes. This study aims to test the potential of eco-enzyme as a mosquito repellent, with basic ingredients of orange peel and papaya leaves. This type of research is an experimental study that uses Complete Randomized Design (RAL) in 2x5 Factorial. The concentrations used in this study were 100%, 2.5%, 5%, 10%, and 20%. Data were analyzed using Anova and DNMRT 5% follow-up test. In the research conducted, the results were obtained, namely in the trial of lime ecoenzyme combination of papaya leaves at a concentration of 100%, 2.5%, 5%, 10% and 20% there were no mosquitoes perched on the test arm, then the papaya leaf ecoenzyme trial there was 1 mosquito that perched.</p> 2024-10-21T04:06:50+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serambi Biologi Antibiotic Sensitivity Test Against Soil Bacteria Exposed to Disinfectants in 2x11 Kayu Tanam District, Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatera 2025-02-22T10:06:06+00:00 Rika Prima Aldi Wahyuda Vestimarta Dwi Hilda Putri <p>In Indonesia, the population growth rate is high and requires rapid and sustainable improvements in the agricultural sector. Improvements in the agricultural sector require various supporting facilities, namely agricultural tools, fertilizers, chemicals including pesticides. Pesticides are chemicals or mixtures of several chemicals that are used to control or eradicate plant pest organisms. Specific uses are an inseparable part of the agricultural system. Pesticides are used as a preventive measure to control pests/diseases. The research carried out included testing on soil samples, testing bacterial turbidity, and testing inhibition zones using antibiotics. This research is descriptive research. This research was carried out from March to June 2023, at the Research Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Padang State University. From the research carried out on soil sample tests, what was observed was the color, shape, height and edges of each different type of bacterial colony. The turbidity test was obtained in accordance with Macfarlan standards. Then the zone inhibition test uses antibiotics which use positive, negative and spectrum antibiotics. From the table of inhibition zones that are formed, it can be seen that in each bacterial colony, each antibiotic works according to the type of antibiotic, positive antibiotics inhibit the growth of gram-positive bacteria and negative antibiotics inhibit the growth of gram-negative bacterial colonies, while spectrum antibiotics can inhibit the growth of gram-positive bacteria and bacteria. gram negative.</p> 2024-10-21T04:20:12+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serambi Biologi